Oct 11, 2010

illustration Sunday #1:Bunny girl Hide and Seek

Hello everyone:)
It's Wendy.I'm preparing for a new serialization called Illustration Sunday that means I'll post a new picture artwork I made each sunday! And this is the debut post!Wow:)
I drew the bunny girl last week and I scanned it then did a little photoshop to blend it with a picture I took monthes ago.And here is it!

 I made two different style. I want to add a little mystry and alternative feeling to make the bunny girl something......well I'm not sure what to say,ha. Fantasy?

Here's the original illustration and photo. It's inspired by a section of Gloomth's photo for their Shiro Lilly dress. I quite love the dress as well as the photo collection so I tried to make a illustration.
There are much more ideas in my mind for next week's illustration and there are so much thing I'd love to blog. I'm working on them but my life is kind of busy so I'll just do my best and I hope you would like my postes:)   
Since I'm still improving both my drawing and photoshop-ing skill(and autography skill), comments are very welcomed! Thank you<3
wish you all a great new week!



  1. Oh, very cool. I love the black and white, it's quite spooky how she fades in and out of the background.

  2. Thanks Leah!
    That's actually the feeling I want to creat:)And I'm glad it kind of succeed since you feels the same way.
