Nov 8, 2010

Some Girl Talk(after I read nine Rules..) and BUMPED.The most expected book on my to-read list

I'm a helpless book lover. I could spend the last cent of mondy in my pocket to buy books and eat white toast for the rest of the
I just finished my reading of Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean Today(nomatter I have three midtern this week.haha). I love love love this novel. It makes me laughed and giggled like a silly woman. Well, I have much to say after I read this romance. I think I'm a miserable girl. I'm nineteen years old and read too much books. I'm good at cooking but not good looking. I can knit scarf and write poems but no one to gift. I'm too bad at socialing but too good at doing something people consider useless. If now is 19 century, I shall be a shameful woman and no one wants to merry me. I dreamed to be merried before 25 years old but now I think that's some mission impossible. Since Callie find her love match, the Marquess of Ralston, who happend to be her first love, at the age of 28, maybe I should wait a little bit longer for my ideal one to But where to find a Earl or a Marquess nowaday? It's a little luck just to find a gentleman around. As I twitted yesterday "I'm afraid if I keep reading novels I won't be able to find someone ideal in the real " Its hard to find someone as ideal as Darcy or The-Rake-Who-Turns-To-Be-A-Good-man Ralston in such a world.

Hmm..I'd love to share my dreamboat top three from novels here.
The first one is Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables. I started my crash on him since the first time I finished reading AoGG when I was 9 or 10. I dreamed to be Anne and I think since I have a lot in common with Anne, Gilbert would be my ideal mate. I love his tenerness, his undersanding, his honesty.  He loves Anne so much. He's Anne's best friend and a great competitor.
The second one on my list is Laurie from Little Women. Little Women is kind of like my bible. I've already reread it over 20 times I guess. Each time I feel lost or sad, I'll think of the four sisters and will myself to be a better girl to reach their level of been a good women, both inside and ouside. The neighber boy Laurie is so ideal for me. He's Jo's best friend and he's nice to the March Family. He's handsome, smart, humorous, kind and sweet. And he turns to a good husband of Amy, the littlest March sister. But he's still that  tender boy, the best friend of Jo. By the way, I love the 1994 version movie of Little Women so much. Christian Bale is so handsome that makes me love Laurie
The last one is from another bible of mine, as a young female. Marcus Flutie from the Jessica Darling series. In one letter I wrote to my friend years ago, I said "I read Sloppy First for the fifth time, not that I don't know  what else to do but not knowing how to do, how to go on." And a very important role in this Darling series is this very Marcus Flutie. He's handsome, smart, romantic and he's a very good man. He understand  Jessica so well and always tolerate her childish behavior and all her shorts. I love him always know what he's doing and always upgrade himself. The idealest man don't have to be perfect, but knowing who he is and always welling to change. (But I think Marcus is the way too perfect to the real I faced lots of problem like Jessica  The first time I read Sloppy First I can't believe there's a girl who and I are almost alike in thought. And we are both Capriccrn, good at writing, old movie lover and  too stressful to have normal peroid for a very long time. But my Marcus never shows up.sigh...

The auther of my favorite Jessica Darling series, Megan McCafferty, is having a new book going on sale  April 26th, 2011. I wait for this BUMPED for a very long time, just like the rest of J Darling fans. It's about a world that only young girls can give birth to baby. I think it's kind of SF.
In this aging of population world that couples don't want to raise child. And the too open relationship between young generation that they believe in fast love and sexual attraction but not Plato anymore, I think maybe this book will sure give us some bump in thought. Don't take this too seriously, it's a YA book. So just enjoy once you get your copy!

Since now is late at night and I've an exam tomorrow......I've to go back studying.
Do you think I should order myself a copy of Ten Ways to Be Adored When Landing A Lord now? I shall not read more novels or non academic books this month, but I'm eager to know the story(the romance?!) of St. John, the twin bro of Ralston. All I have to do is link to an online bookstore and do some simple click......
Please feel free to share your favorite books with me anytime! I'm a

Enjoy your reading!

Big love

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